Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sew Much sewing!
I have been sewing a lot lately, just no posting! Some for customs, some for Noah, some for Ebay! I really need to get moving and put some more things in my Etsy stores. I plan on doing that early next week.

Here are a couple of tees that were repurposed and already sent to their new owner! These were repurposed from tees that featured a front and back, so I will be adding 2 tees to my store that are very similar to these!
Here is a fun set that I put on ebay earlier. A cute OOAK 3 pc set repurposed from a spidey tee. I added matching pants and a beanie. I love how this turned out and I hope someone else will too!

I have sewn about 3 new pairs of shorts for Noah for school, but no pics. I can't believe it is October and we are still over 90 during the day! Yuck!!

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